Teaching your dog to come back when you call them will mean you can both enjoy your walks more enrichment and exercise from them. There is nothing as empowering as having a lovely walk in the countryside with your dog bounding along having the best time, but as in tune to you as a best friend should. Here are the first steps to get you on your way! You can learn more about recall training on my ‘Zen your Dog’ online training course where you can sign up to receive the first lesson FREE here.https://train.drdogcare.ie/
1.Have a helper restrain your dog on long line.
2.Show your dog that you have something tasty that they really want tease them with it and walk five steps away.
3.Turn and face your dog and using enticing body language encourage them to come to you, at this stage the helper can drop the line.
4.When they come allow them to have the treat but delay it slightly for about 5 seconds while you smile praise and pet them ensuring you can touch the collar.
5.Ask your helper to restrain the dog again and repeat several times.
6.If he/she is enthusiastically and reliably running towards you, you can add the command.
7.The command should be the dog’s name followed by words such as ‘come’ or ‘here’ or ‘come here’. The more distinct and unique you can make these words sound the more success you will have.
8.When you practice alone you can simply drop a couple of treats on the ground and while the dog is distracted you can create distance and practice your recall command from there.
9.Remember to start the training at home and to build up the distraction and the locations overtime.
10.As the training progresses you can vary the rewards to include toys and different value treats which can be used depending on the level of distractions you are battling against.
Remember to have fun and don’t spare the rewards! And don’t take off the long line until you are certain the training works in lots of different places and scenarios. Better still gradually shorten the length of the long line so its not a shock for you or the dog when it goes completely!
Manage the dog’s environment and walks to make sure he never runs off and gets rewarded for ignoring you!
It will be much harder to train a recall if your dog has a history of having fun without you! Learn more valuable tips like this by ordering my dog training book here-https://www.ennisbookshop.ie/p/deirdre-ryan-trained-puppies-dont-bite-children/9781914488894
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